Everything Else

How To: Have a lucid dream

In this seven part video tutorial, learn how to try and start lucid dreaming. A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper knows that he or she is dreaming and can navigate, or "steer" the dream in any direction. So, essentially, if you wanted to "be a billionaire", you could... In your dreams.

How To: Understand the DNA Phantom Effect

A short video dedicated to the DNA Phantom Effect and how it might be related to human emotion. The DNA Phantom Effect is a questionable discovery by Russian scientist and "father of Wave Genetics", Peter P. Gariaev. In 1985 the very first evidential proofs of DNA being able to maintain wave/field type memory were found. That same year, the "DNA Phantom Effect" was given its name after observations made by Gariaev stated that physical DNA somehow attracted and manipulated light in a vacuum ch...

How To: Develop your intuition by pendulum dowsing

Learn how to develop your intuition by dowsing with a pendulum. In this video hosted by Andrea Hess of Soul Realignment, Hess is teaching dowsing with a pendulum to determine "yes" or "no" (or "undetermined") answers to specific questions. As told here, the pendulum is controlled by your subconscious mind, but the information is determined by one's higher self. One is not to ask questions that start with "Should I..." or "Am I supposed to..." as there is no "Should" or divine plan we need to ...

How To: Explore Shamanism through Ayahuasca

"Shamanism: Other Worlds" explores the ancient spiritual Amazonian enlightenment drug Ayahuasca. This documentary investigates Ayahuasca and its use largely as a religious sacrament. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. The religion Santo Daime uses it. While non-native users know of th...

How To: Practice infinity meditation

This simple meditation is a very effective way to create inner stillness, bringing the mind into peace and quiet. It's a great tool for practicing the art of concentration, and for stopping the endless chatter of the mind. There is wonderful feedback from everyone who has tried it. Hope you enjoy the deep relaxation that comes as a result of concentrating the mind. Try this infinity meditation from Brahma Kumaris Meditation.

How To: Generate good karma

Karma is an idea that exists in the Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Sikh religions, which simply holds that all actions have consequences. In other words: karma’s not a bitch, but you might be. If so, here’s how to start sending the world good vibrations. Learn how to store up some good karma for yourself.

How To: Interpret the most common dreams

Dreams don't have a one-size-fits-all meaning. But here are the broad interpretations of the most common ones, as well as tips for deciphering your quirkier journeys. All you need are dreams & a pen and paper. Did you know? The average person has 5 dreams a night.

How To: Lucid dream successfully

Learning how to lucid dream—that is, to be aware during your dreams that you are, indeed, dreaming—will allow you to live out fantasies, stop nightmares, and even road test some solutions to real life problems. You will need a dream journal and an alarm clock.

How To: Practice a tai chi sacred dance movement ritual

The tai chi ritual demonstrated in these instructional videos aims to teach that grace is always present. Practice feeling it and it becomes more and more real. Grace is real and can be felt and experienced. With practice it sweetens every thought, coats nerves so they can relax. Follow along with this new age spirituality how-to video series and learn about the beauty of surrender, let go of everything, and go with the flow. Practice a tai chi sacred dance movement ritual - Part 1 of 5.

How To: Practice kinesiology and muscle tests

This video tutorial teaches you about kinesiology also known as muscle testing so that you can test your DNA activation level or whether or not certain foods will be healthy for your body. A kinesiology muscle test will allow you to find out answers to questions about your body that your conscious mind is not aware of but your body does. Watch this instructional video and learn how to practice kinesiology and perform a basic muscle test.

How To: Do a kinesiology self-muscle test

Kinesiology, or human kinetics, is the science of human movement. This simple muscle self-test turns your body into a lie detector. Your body subconsciously knows things that the conscious mind isn't aware of. Watch this video kinesiology tutorial and learn how to do a simple muscle test.

How To: Start meditating like David Lynch

What would David Lynch do? Well, being a deep, deep man, David Lynch would meditate. Elephant Man, Eraserhead, the Straight Story, Blue Velvet, and so on, David Lynch has been writing and directing movies that have alternately scared, confused, and inspired an international audience and devoted fan base. Cinematic genius or no, Lynch is still just a man, who is filled with anxiety and wants happiness. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to get involved in transcendental meditation and how...

How To: Practice Emotional Freedom techniques

Craig Brockie delivers the goods with a how to video on Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT. Learn these powerful techniques to reach your highest potential and reduce stress, increase focus and will, and overall acheive positive results. Watch this tutorial and you will be able to overcome cravings and reduce stress with EFT.

How To: Meditate to relieve stress

Learn how you can combat the stresses of modern life through meditation with this how to video. Roni Proter, host of Simply Beautiful, explains the benefits of meditation. Watch this tutorial and you can reduce stress and improve your health with meditation.

How To: Learn spiritual lessons from Chaos

PAT MONAGHAN is a professor at DePaul University in Chicago. She holds a Ph.D. in both literature and science. She is the author of "Dancing with Chaos," a book that expresses the complex ideas of chaos theory in poetry. The THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in America is a branch of a world fellowship and membership organization dedicated to promoting the unity of humanity and encouraging the study of religion, philosophy and science so that we may better understand ourselves and our relationships within...

How To: Understand the universe as a hologram

Gregg Braden discusses the holographic nature of the universe, and how everything we do affects the collective consciousness or resonance of us all. Get tips from this how-to video on choices, your attitude, and spirit. Each time an individual makes a new choice, that person becomes a living bridge for all the others; that has an affect on the next person, and the next in a kind of hologram. This hologram even YOU can affect.

How To: Enjoy brain wave coherence with vedic sound

The Transcendental Meditation technique and vedic sound have significant effects in creating brain wave coherence. Dr. Alarik Arenander of the Brain Institute unfolds the scientific basis of these observations. Watch this how-to video to get tips on how to apply Transcendental Meditation and vedic sound to your life!

How To: Play a Tibetan singing bowl

Shakti from Bodhisattva.com demonstrates the right way how to play a Tibetan singing bowl. Since the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 - 489 B.C.E.) the harmonics of singing bowls have been used to induce meditation and assist spiritual seekers to the state of enlightenment.

How To: Make holy water

Check out this ultra brief demo on how to make holy water using: full moon water, sea salt, and rose water. Remember to cleanse all your supplies of all previous energies and then to bless and empower each one with intent. Make holy water.

How To: Make sage water

Learn about different types of sage including how to make sage water and what it's used for. Always leave an offering if you pick it in the wild. There is male and female sage. Make sage water.

How To: Attach a crystal to your wand

Watch this blurb about wands and how to attach a crystal to the end of yours. If you use wood, and you harvest it from the wild, it's a good idea to leave an offering of some sort. Also, research the magical qualities of various types of trees first. Attach a crystal to your wand.

How To: Play a singing crystal bowl

Watch this video to learn how to correctly play a singing crystal bowl. The first and most important thing is to bless your bowl. This is a very interesting and helpful tutorial video for those who want to learn more about spirituality. Play a singing crystal bowl.

How To: Learn the art of dowsing using the "Divine Gesture"

Grandmaster David Harris teaches and demostrates the secret Shun Shen Tao technique know as the "Divine Gesture". With this ablitiy a person can dowse without the need of materials such as a rod, stick, or pendulum. The person needs nothing but themself and their connection to God. "Divine Gesture" is one of the most advanced dowsing techniques in the world! Once a great secret, now free to you.