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How To: Make Your Dreams a Reality… In Your Dreams (By Lucid Dreaming)

Lucid dreaming, in which you're aware that you're dreaming, can be profoundly beneficial to us. It gives us freedom to do things we couldn't possibly do in the real world. It can show us the true potential of our brain power. You can even use lucid dreaming to question the nature of our own reality. For whatever reason, people everywhere are interested in this mysterious phenomenon...especially in achieving it. Whether it be visiting another planet or flying around, the possibilities in lucid...

How To: Learn the art of dowsing using the "Divine Gesture"

Grandmaster David Harris teaches and demostrates the secret Shun Shen Tao technique know as the "Divine Gesture". With this ablitiy a person can dowse without the need of materials such as a rod, stick, or pendulum. The person needs nothing but themself and their connection to God. "Divine Gesture" is one of the most advanced dowsing techniques in the world! Once a great secret, now free to you.

How To: Create a lucid dreaming experience

In this detailed, creepy, video series you learn and understand the fundamentals of having an Out of Body Experience (OBE) or Lucid Dreaming. Everything from a clear explanation fo "The Phase", getting started, deepening of the experience, and much more.

How To: Palm read your subject's left hand

The left hand indicates what your subject has inherited from their family. Giving a reading on the left hand is different than the right, even for the same person. Peter John lays out a few palmistry principles if you want to give someone a palm reading on their left hand.

How To: Give a good palm reading

Peter John, an expert in palmistry, walks you through a sample reading of someone's hand. He explains how to interpret the various parts of the palm, such as the life line, head line and heart line, to give a full and accurate palm reading.

How To: Give yourself a Tarot card reading

Most of the time, a divination using the Tarot cards will be performed for someone else. But if you have your own questions about the future, Peter John teaches you how to use a simple three card spread for a Tarot card reading when you are the querent.

How To: Dream Vividly And Remember Your Dreams

Dreams may be defined as succession of thought, images or feelings experienced during sleep but they also provide avenue to learn about ourselves, psyche, and about the mysteries of life. Many people have been conditioned to believe that dreams are unreal and illusory, but no matter what we believe the dream world is as real as our waking state.

How To: Tap into your intuition with EFT

This video tutorial is in the Spirituality category where you will learn how to tap into your intuition with EFT with Elise Lebeau. There are two parts to turning on your intuition. First you will use the EFT tapping technique to release any past negative beliefs or experiences. Then you will use it again to reinforce a positive belief that will allow you to tap in to your intuition and to act on them. You don't need to know anything about EFT. In this technique 8 acupressure points are activ...

How To: Understand the philosophy of metaphysics

This speech from Duke University takes you through the basics of understanding the philosophy of metaphysics. One of the first lessons is the danger of religion without philosophy and how it can lead to a moral blank check. Learn about sacred space verses profane when talking about reality and how reality is multidimensional. You'll receive a beginners lesson on Rigveda and the beginning if Hinduism one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world. Also, you'll get a lesson on human ener...

How To: Induce a lucid dream for the advanced patient

Have you mastered lucid dreaming, but want to take it to the next level? In this 10-part video tutorial series, you'll learn some great advanced techniques for lucid dreamers. Watch this tutorial series for excellent advice. You'll be able to explore and go beyond your ordinary dreams, from controlling them to mastering them.

How To: Induce a lucid dream successfully

If you've ever wondered whether you could learn to control what happens in your dream, wonder no more! It's called "lucid dreaming". This 10-part video tutorial series will walk you through different stages of lucid dreaming, and soon you'll not only be able to recognize when you're dreaming, but you'll be able to control your dreams and take it into whole new directions! The sky's the limit!

How To: Visualize auras

This video shows how to visualize and see auras. Close your eyes and begin to relax your mind by gently breathing and thinking 'sooo' and 'hummm'. Once you're relaxed, dim the lights in your room and stand in front of a white background. Take a look at your hand against the white background and focus on the faint color while keeping yourself relaxed. Focus on it and the color will strengthen eventually. When the color has become more clear, you have now seen the aura. Practice on seeing the a...

How To: Read someone's palm

Peggy Erbison shares her knowledge of palmistry in this video. The heart line starts under the pinky and moves across and up towards the middle and index finger. The next line she talks about is the head line. This line is the center line that explains how your thinking is. The line that rounds out and wraps around the base of the thumb is the life line. This line connects to the head line at the beginning. These are the 3 main lines on the palm. Contrary to popular belief, the life line does...

How To: Sing a song to help remember how to read palms

In this how-to video, you will learn how to use a song to read palms. Memorize these lines to music to help you. First, if you have a rich line, you are the rich and you get much money. If you have a sun line, you are popular. Everyone likes you because you are the sunshine. Check your palm. Check your life line. If it is thick, you have a powerful body. If it is thin, you are weak. Check the head line. If you have a short line, you quickly decide and act. If it is long, you need to think fir...

How To: Make your own Wiccan runes

This video demonstrates how to make your own Wiccan runes. You need ordinary, commercially grown lima beans. You can also make smaller ones using smaller beans or you can use river stones. Use a rune chart. These can be found in most New Age shops or you can download one for free online. Choose beans without cracks. Use a marker pen, or a "Sharpie" to mark each rune on one stone or bean. Copy the whole chart. When you have done this you can bless the runes. They can be kept with some sacred s...

How To: Cleanse Wiccan stones

The Wicca stones in question may be dried in either sunlight for a full twenty four hours, or the item may be wrapped in a dark black cloth to dry. The stones may also be cleaned in water as well. Another method would be bury the stones in a pot covered with dirt. If unsure if water would damage the stone, however do not submerge the item in water if you are unsure Additionally salt water may be used to cleanse the stone.

How To: Tell time with Tarot cards

This tutorial by preeminent Tarot card reader John Ballantrae is a great demonstration of how to foretell the future with the Tarot cards. He also stresses the great responsibility with which this skill must be used.

How To: Make a Wiccan black scrying mirror

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a black scrying mirror. This activity is simple and inexpensive. The materials required are: a picture frame, tape, newspaper and black matte spray paint. Take out the glass from the frame and lay it on the newspaper. Now spray the black paint on the glass frame. Make sure you use short little bursts of spray. Make sure each coat dries before you apply another one. When it's dry, put it back into the picture frame. This video will benefit thos...

How To: Read Wiccan runes

The video is about Wiccan Runes and to use it for prediction. Runes are small gems or stone with certain markings used for prediction. Firstly sit in a place where you can sit and meditate in peace. Place a clean cloth napkin in front of you where you can place the runes as per the natural elements. Sit and meditate on your questions and try to draw the divine power into yourself. Now pull out the runes one by one from the cloth bag. Place the first rune in the earth corner which is on the ri...

How To: Be happier in life

Happiness is very unique thing. Everyone knows this word but can't explain properly what happiness actually is. There are top five tips to be happy in home or workplace in the video. Staying positive is one of the tips. Whatever happens in life you should be happy. You can write down all your tasks as a list. After finishing the tasks, scratch them out. When difficult tasks come, laugh for a while. It will lighten your pressure. After following the steps you will be interested in your life an...

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