Eric Scott demonstrates on how to use a pendulum to connect to the spirit.
You can get any pendulum you have or use the custom made light plastic pendulum about five and a half inches long which may help to get your response very quickly.
•You will not have your elbow resting on the table when you use the pendulum as it tends to break up the flow of the energy going out through your hand.
•Hold the pendulum just above a square white sheet of paper and intentionally swing it from north to south to program it to the word "Yes". When you do this, you have to nod your head and say out loud, "This means Yes". Then stop the pendulum. If you say a 'yes', you can see the pendulum moves north to south on its own.
•Similarly, stop and swing the pendulum intentionally from east to west. When you do this, you need to shake your head say it out loud, "This means No". In this way you can program the pendulum to give you the right response. This is the basics about using the pendulum.
•You can also ask three or four part multiple choice questions by merely numbering along the top of your white paper. You can point on the top left corner and say 'Respond 1' is there and point a little further along the line to mark your 'Respond 2' and so on. Then hold your pendulum at the bottom center of the paper and ask the question and the pendulum will swing to the right response.
•It is always nice to say a prayer before your use the pendulum which will ensure your connection with the spirit. For example, "May God's will be done".
•If you feel that you are not getting the right answer, you need to clear the programs that are blocking you from acquired the right response.
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