Sometimes, when you've had a rough day, you just want to be able to slip into your dreams. But how do you fall asleep when your so busy worrying? there is an easy way-read on
About an hour before you plan to go to sleep, have a bath. Add about 4 drops of one of the essential oils (rose or lavender recommended). And help yourself relax.
Buy some sort of aroma therapy ointment such as "Vick's Vapour rub" or "Breath Easy Ointment," and rub it over you chest and a swab under your nose.
Change into some comfortable clothing, such as pajama's or a tracksuit. Hop straight into bed. do not loiter after you have had a bath, as the relaxing, clean feeling is not permanent.
Close your eyes and let your mind wander. Think about-alternative ends to a sad movie/book, or something else that your mind can just wander into easily.
- Play some quiet classical/relaxation music
- before you get into your bed, make sure it is made! It is much easier to sleep in a made bed than an unmade one.
- Before going to sleep, ensure you have-brushed teeth, used bathroom, eaten dinner, had a Small drink.
- Don't watch television before you go to bed. it will take away the relaxed feeling!
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